ABC™ Certification Program

What is the Certification Program?

The certification program is designed to get practitioners to a point of competence in applying ABC™ so your people get the results we promise and that thousands of patients worldwide are getting.  Then the certification program develops and polishes to top-caliber level a practitioner’s competence through practical, one-on-one coaching under expert technical supervision at live seminars and through personal consultation with Dr. Jutkowitz, the developer of ABC™.  It handles any weakness in understanding or ability to apply, polishes off the rough edges and makes it so one can think with the materials.  It results in an expert who has mastered all needed skills to get consistent, outstanding results and to whom we can confidently refer patients.

The Certification Program is open to all ABC™ Core Curriculum Training Program owners.  Our current certification program gives an opportunity to be certified at the initial level at no charge, if you have not yet done so.  The only requirement is to have the latest course materials as released in 2010 and 2012 as well as any subsequent materials released.

Level I Certification is the first level of certification that one now gets by completing the ABC™ Core Curriculum Training.  The ABC™ Core Curriculum Training Program is a Home Study Program released in 2010, formerly called the ABC™ Home Study Seminar.  Certification is now part of the ABC™ Training course as the final practical requirement.  The practitioner is required to demonstrate a basic understanding of the course theory through short written questions and to have his/her practical application of ABC™ reviewed.  The practical review can be done by either: a) Doing the protocol on a person live in front of Dr. Jutkowitz or an ABC™ Instructor at a seminar or a workshop or,  b) By video of the practitioner treating a person with ABC™.

Once you’ve passed review by Dr. Jutkowitz or an ABC™ Instructor as having achieved basic proficiency in Advanced BioStructural Correction™, you’ll be eligible to receive referrals from us as well as to be listed on the ABC™ website as an ABC™ Certified Practitioner.  This first level of certification is provisional and will be valid for one year.

Higher levels of certification are available by continuing study.  Level II Certification is the next rank of skill and is called ABC™ Advanced Certification.  This is attained by attending Live Basic and Technical Skills Coaching Seminars to hone one’s skills and polish up application to Level II ability (application of practical without correction), pass the written examination on clinical questions which show a good understanding of ABC™ theory and pass a practical review of protocol application at this higher level.  A practitioner at this level becomes proficient in the protocol, gaining confidence and competence and the ability to get the excellent results promised consistently. There is no cost to doing this other than what a practitioner would normally pay to attend a seminar.

Our on-going certification program also has higher levels of certification achievable beyond Advanced Certification. The next is Level III Expert Certification.
This requires attendance at Advanced Seminars to further perfect one’s proficiency in application, as well as getting trained in ABC™ EndoNasal Cranial Correction (the final step of the ABC™ treatment protocol), along with experience in practicing ABC™, sharing one’s success applying ABC™ by presenting case studies at ABC™ Live Seminars, passing a demonstration of excellent practical competence and an advanced understanding of ABC™ theory and background data.

Level IV is the highest certification level attainable and when completed results in acknowledgement and certification as a Master of ABC™. ABC™ Master Certification is obtained only after having significant experience practicing ABC™, as well as getting an in-office technical coaching consultation and completing the ABC™ X-Ray Analysis Course. At this level a master expert is required to show a complete understanding of ABC™ theory and its research trail and is expected to demonstrate an ability to think with the materials. A review and demonstration of exceptional competence in application at this highest level is also essential.

Once Expert or Master’s status is achieved, one is eligible to attend Master Classes and to be invited to join the ABC™ Instructor Training program. Instructors are admitted to the program by invitation only from Dr. Jutkowitz. Certified ABC™ Instructors are independently teaching or assisting at seminars around the world. Each level of Certification will be listed on the ABC™ websites.

Cost of Certification

Level I Certification is included with the ABC™ Core Curriculum Training Program (whether one is new to ABC™ or an experienced ABC™ practitioner.)

For anyone to obtain Level II or above Certification, one simply registers for and attends any seminars required. There is no fee for participating in the certification program other than the cost of the seminars the practitioner attends. Packages are available that give discounts for registering for multiple seminars. A Fast Track Program package exists which includes 2 Basic Seminars & 1 Technical Skills Coaching Seminar (at discounted package rates) to be attended within 18 months, as well as unlimited phone and email consultation time with Dr. Jutkowitz during that period. The person then attends the Seminars that he wants to take and progresses up to achieve Level II status. There are also Deluxe packages that add an Advanced Seminar and/or the EndoNasal Cranial Correction Seminar to the Fast Track package. These Deluxe packages allow the practitioner to progress up to Level III with considerable discounts on the seminars. None of these packages are required – any of the ABC™ seminars can be purchased individually. The packages are there to make progress easier as they give the advantage of discounted costs.

Advanced, Expert and Master certification are not provisional. They are permanent certifications that remains valid as long as the annual renewal requirements are kept in. These yearly requirements are simply:

  • An annual renewal fee/dues for administration (this admin fee covers such things as issuance of certificates, website upkeep, etc.) and
  • Attendance at 1 seminar yearly (for the purpose of helping the certified practitioner stay up-to-date technically and ensuring application remains standard.)
  • Continued study of any new Technical Bulletins or videos and Core Curriculum materials released


In addition to the advantages that are inherent with improving professional skill level and expertise through the certification program training, there are other benefits to becoming and maintaining certification as well.

Certified Level II practitioners get a 10% discount on all seminars attended, Level III certified practitioners are given a 15% discount and Level IV certified practitioners are eligible for a 25% discount on all seminars attended.
Certified practitioners are listed on the website and are eligible to receive patient referrals from it and from ABC™ Headquarters and ABC™ Instructors.
Certified practitioners receive all new Technical Bulletins free as a gift for maintaining their certification.

This is a very smooth road now for increasing skill and proficiency and for those who have already achieved high skill levels, for getting these validated and acknowledged. The following pages, give an easy to follow summary of the certification requirements for each level as well as the benefits and discounts you receive at each stage of certification.


Advanced BioStructural Correction™
Certification Program Requirements & Fees

Level I – ABC™Certified Practitioner

  • ABC™ Core Curriculum Training Program (CCP), including study of any new Technical Bulletins, videos and all CCP materials released
  • Completion of written Assessment Questions on ABC™ Basics
  • Demonstration of Basic Proficiency in protocol application with Dr. Jutkowitz or Certified ABC™ instructor
  • Cost: No charge
  • Provisional: valid for one year from date of certification

Level II – Advanced ABC™ Certified Practitioner

  • Level I Certification
  • Continued study of any new Technical Bulletins, videos & CCP materials released
  • Six months experience applying Advanced BioStructural Correction™ protocol
  • A minimum of 2 or more Basic Seminars required
  • A Technical Skills Coaching Seminar is recommended
  • Completion of written clinical questions with approval
  • Demonstration of Advanced Proficiency in protocol application with Dr. Jutkowitz or a Certified ABC™ Instructor
  • Cost: The only charge is for seminars attended plus an annual renewal dues/administrative fee after the first year
  • Permanent: remains valid with attendance at one seminar yearly & annual administrative renewal dues/fee paid

Level III –  Expert ABC™ Certified Practitioner

  • Level II Certification
  • Continued study of any new Technical Bulletins, videos & CCP materials released
  • A minimum of 1 year of experience with Advanced BioStructural Correction™
  • A minimum of 2-3 Basic and 2 Advanced Seminars required
  • EndoNasal Cranial Correction Seminar required
  • Presentation of Case Study at Basic or Advanced Seminar
  • Demonstration of Expert Level Competence in protocol application approved by Dr. Jutkowitz
  • Cost: The only charge is for seminars attended plus the annual administrative renewal fee after the first year
  • Permanent: Remains valid with attendance at one seminar yearly (not including Master Class) & annual administrative renewal dues/fee paid

Level IV – Master ABC ™ Certified Practitioner

  • Level III Certification
  • Continued study of any new Technical Bulletins, videos & CCP materials released
  • Significant experience with Advanced BioStructural Correction™
  • A minimum of 3 Basic and 3 Advanced Seminars required
  • 1 Master Class required
  • ABC™ X-ray Analysis Course required
  • In-office Technical Coaching Consultation required
  • Examination on ABC™ theory, background and research trail
  • Demonstration at the highest level of expertise & competence in protocol application approved by Dr. Jutkowitz
  • Cost: The only charge is for seminars attended, the X-Ray Analysis Course, the in-office technical coaching consultation plus the annual administrative renewal dues/fee after the first year
  • Permanent: Remains valid with attendance at one seminar yearly (not including Master Class) & annual administrative renewal dues/fee paid

ABC ™ Certified Instructor

  • Level III or IV Certification, including yearly renewal requirements maintained
  • Invitation to Instructor Program & instruction at two seminars a year minimum
  • Instructor Training Program completed
  • Apprenticeship with Dr. Jutkowitz as Assistant Instructor

Summary of Certification Benefits

Level I – ABC™Certified Practitioner

  • Referrals of patients / clients
  • Listing on the websites as a certified ABC™ Practitioner (optional)
  • Unlimited Technical Support by phone or e-mail
  • Ongoing Access to New Technical Bulletins
  • Membership in Yahoo! Group for further technical support
  • Technical proficiency and confidence of application

Level II – Advanced ABC™ Certified Practitioner

  • Referrals of patients
  • Listing on the website as having Advanced ABC™ Certification
  • Unlimited Technical Support from Dr. Jutkowitz by phone or e-mail
  • Ongoing Access to New Technical Bulletins
  • Membership in Yahoo! Group for further technical support
  • Technical proficiency and confidence of application
  • 10% off services such as seminars & workshops

Level III – Expert ABC™ Certified Practitioner

  • Referrals of patients / clients
  • Listing on the websites as having Expert ABC™ Certification
  • Unlimited Technical Support from Dr. Jutkowitz by phone or e-mail
  • Ongoing Access to New Technical Bulletins
  • Membership in Yahoo! Group for further technical support
  • Eligible to attend a Master Class with invitation
  • Technical proficiency & competence of application at a high level
  • Recognition as an Expert Practitioner
  • 15% off services such as seminars & workshops
  • Eligibility for Master Classes and invitation to Instructor or Assistant Instructor training

Level IV – Master ABC™ Certified Practitioner

  • Referrals of patients / clients
  • Listing on the websites as having Master ABC™ Certification
  • Unlimited Technical Support from Dr. Jutkowitz by phone or e-mail
  • Ongoing Access to New Technical Bulletins and Updates
  • Membership in Yahoo! Group for further technical support
  • Technical proficiency & competence of application at the highest levels
  • Recognition as a Master Practitioner
  • 25% off services such as seminars & workshops
  • Eligibility for invitation to Instructor or Assistant Instructor training

ABC™ Certified Instructors

  • All the benefits from Level III or IV Certification
  • Independent Teaching or Co-Teaching of ABC™ Seminars
  • Eligibility to become a Regional Leader