Eliminating Confusion in Structural Care

How to unwind the body though old injuries and end up healthy

Most people are confused about exactly what can be done in structural healthcare. This obviously includes medical doctors and the public but the confusion goes even further; even chiropractors, osteopaths and physical therapists don’t seem to know exactly what they can do in a given case.

It is obvious that mechanical treatment to rearrange body structure works to improve or help heal of many different types of ills and ailments. That things that suddenly stop hurting or start healing range from fevers that come down, stomach aches that stop, headaches that stop, people suddenly not being tired, back pain stopping, neck pain pain stopping and even arm and leg pains from discs proven herniated on CAT scans and MRI that are said to need immediate surgery stop being painful in a short time are all well documented. Besides that, these things happen so often that even medical doctors are now admitting it and sending patients to chiropractors and others for structural treatment. The question is:

Why do chiropractors, osteopaths and others not get these results all the time?

The reason it does not happen all the time is that the basics of human structure and how the body works had not been discovered until recently. Without the exact basic point of how the body goes funky, structural techniques are bound to be inconsistent and unpredictable.

The largest modern confusion in structural healing began with the use of x-rays to research what happens with the spine when realigned. The basic Chiropractic Theory is that as the spine is forced into place it will be more mechanically sound and take pressure off the nervous system. The basic of Osteopathic Theory is that the same forcing of the joints into place will improve blood flow, healing people. Various other theories, even to that of magnetic energy being realigned are put forth in various forms such as Network.

All of them seem to have a part of the puzzle of what happens when the structure is realigned but none of them seem to have a consistent and predictable way of realigning the structure or energy so they get the results consistently and predictably.

That is because they take simple views of how the structure of the body and spine work. Doctors made and make the mistake of thinking that the a front or back view of the spine determines what is straight and not straight.


As you can see here, viewed from the side (right image), the spine looks very different from the front view (left image) where it ideally is straight vertical. From the side view, the spine ideally has curves. This is a typical person’s, even doctors’ views of the ideal spine. When there is a curve on a front view many docs get excited about it and call it a scoliosis.

The reason docs get excited about it is that if your body twists itself up like that it will change the shape of your chest and press on your organs so they will not be able to function well. Problems in breathing, heart function and other organs can start occurring.

Since most docs view the spinal column on x-rays they get a flat picture of the spine either from the front or side view the same as the example pictures on the previous page, when looking at it on an front view x-ray it looks like the column of bones has slipped and curved sideways — but that is not what has occurred.

What most docs have missed is that the spinal column is a three dimensional object that does not curve sideways, it twists around in three dimensions.

To people in the general public this may seem obvious, so obvious that it would be impossible for people supposedly as smart as doctors to miss the point.

Take a look at the definitions of scoliosis in medical dictionaries which define it as, an appreciable lateral deviation in the normally straight line of the spine, you will realize they are looking at the spine as a flat object as it shows on an x-ray and not as a three dimensional object. Big mistake. Even most chiropractors think that way. What is worse is that doctors (medical, chiropractors and osteopaths) will tell you it is obvious that the spine is a three dimensional object and twists in three dimensions but they go on treating it like it was a two dimensional object. this is true of physical therapists too.

What I have given here about how to view and analyze the spinal column mechanics as three dimensional is what is called a SENIOR DATUM. A datum is a piece of information. A SENIOR DATUM is a piece of information that is senior, or of greater importance than other data.

When you look at all the data (information) available about the body and its working you can get dizzy because there is so much. BUT, how much of that data is important? And, how much is true but not relevant to getting a body corrected so it works well?

Much more than anyone thinks. 99% of the data about how the body works is useless in fixing bodies. Of the other 1%, much is interesting to look at and can create meaningful changes but not consistently and predictably on everyone.

What are the basics? There are just about a dozen pieces of truly important data when it comes to really getting bodies structurally corrected so they again work well.

ONLY ABOUT A DOZEN. All that data in journals might be true but only a dozen pieces of data actually are pertinent to correcting body structures. Amazing but true.

One of the most important concepts you can learn is that there important data and data that will just take up your time and not get you where you want to go and there a SENIOR DATA that are the important data because knowing them you can create the effects you want to create.

That the body twists in three dimensions and cannot be viewed as a two dimensional object is one of those SENIOR DATA. That doctors and others treating bodies have been ignoring it in creating their treatments has not been noticed in a meaningful way until now. In Advanced BioStructural Correction™ Dr. Jutkowitz have carried through with three dimensional mechanical analysis of the entire spinal column and thus made the discoveries that allow consistent and predictable correction of body structures.

That is the short story. Now The Simple Story

The simple story starts with the spinal column does not quite work the way doctors have imagined it works and then fills in as I have done below:

The first thing docs did not take into account was that if your bones were lined up the way they were supposed to be aligned, your body would stay upright with almost no effort of the muscles (if you don’t believe that see someone who is competent at Advanced BioStructural Correction™ and you can experience it — so you do not have to believe those before and after pictures on the first page of this web site).

Another thing they did not take into account and discover was the mechanical role of the MENINGES (ma nin gees) and the brain stem-spinal cord itself. The brain stem is the beginning of the spinal cord and is not a separate thing. It is just named separately because it is in the head. The meninges are a tough elastic fibered sheath covering the central nervous system – the spinal cord and brain.

meningesYou have probably heard of the meninges. They are the coverings of the brain and spinal cord and commonly mentioned in relation to infections called meningitis which means inflammation (hotness, swelling, and redness) of the meninges.

Meninge is Latin for covering. The coverings of the brain and spinal cord are called meninges (plural) because there are three layers.

The meninges attach firmly to the inside of the skull surrounding the brain. At the bottom of the skull where the brain stem turns into the spinal cord and the cord goes down the back of the spinal column, the meninges continue downward completely encircling the cord and finally attaching firmly only at the tail bone (coccyx).

The meninges do not attach firmly to the bones of the spinal column but are attached to the bones of the spinal column by elastic ligaments that are generally loose. They act like bungee cords and stretch when the spinal cord moves too far to one side. They act to keep spinal cord suspended in the canal behind the front part of the bones which make the spinal column (vertebrae, vert -a -bray).

Starting at the base of the skull the meninges have four thick bands of tissue (front back and on each side) that are thick and elastic like rubber bands.

These thick bands each act as a large rubber band would, pulling from the tailbone (bottom of the spinal column) to the head. When everything is in the correct place and you are upright, the spinal cord and meninges are slack. When you bend and everything is lined up correctly the spinal cord and the bands of the meninges pull just enough to keep the spinal column and your body stable. When you bend or get into extreme positions they are stretched and pull even more. If everything is aligned correctly in your spine the cord and meninges come back to a slack position again when you straighten and stand upright.

How much the vertebrae need to be out of place to cause difficulty and the direction of misalignment that cause difficulty are discussed elsewhere.

The main point is that the vertebrae get “stuck” out of position and the body cannot self-correct their position.

However, if the bones in your spine get stuck out of position — even slightly out of position — then the spinal column cannot hold itself upright as it should. That causes an abnormal stretching of the cord and meninges to keep things together and upright. You can experience this now by tucking your shirt tightly into your pants or skirt in the back. Then bend your body forward or even sideways or into a twist. The pulling of the shirt in the back is the way the cord and meninges are pulled as your body goes forward due to the inability of the spine column to hold itself upright when vertebrae are misaligned.

A quick review: The bones of the spinal column hold the body upright with almost no muscular effort if they are correctly aligned. When you are upright and the vertebra (bones of the spinal column) are correctly aligned the spinal cord and meninges are in a slack state. When you bend or move off center the bones of the spinal column along with the skull and the meninges act as a single system to hold the body stable. When you return to center the vertebra again work to hold the body upright with little or no effort of the muscles and no stretch of the meninges or spinal cord.

When the bones of the spinal column are misaligned it results in an uneven stretching or pulling of the cord and meninges — and maybe even some of the nerves coming off the spinal cord or brain stem. The alignment is off so it causes stretching and pulling of the brain stem and meninges up into the skull. Many people feel this as headaches or tightness around their head and eyes. Note in the picture above that the meninges go up into head and attach firmly to the inside of the skull. When they are stretched anywhere the tension is spread out over the entire spinal column-skull-meningeal system. What people feel depends on where the mechanical stress pulls the most.

People can also feel this as nerve pinching lower in the body. The reason this tension on the meninges, cord and brain stem is felt in different places and affects people differently is the difference in what bones they have out of place and in what combinations of pulling they have.

****dragging the bones, meninges and cord out of place. Different patterns cause the meninges to put the force on different places in the body and pull on different areas of the spinal cord or brain stem. That results in different symptoms.

That the meninges, cord-brain stem and skull work as a system and that the mechanical stress on any part of that system is transferred by the elastic tissue to every other part of the system are important data to note together. Because the entire spinal column, skull, cord and meninges work together as a single unit you cannot consider that a person has a neck, a back and a lower back separately. People do it, and doctors do it but that is the reason they cannot correct so many conditions of the body.

A for instance is two people who both have misalignments of the lower back and both have disc protrusions in the lower back proven on MRI (these are actual findings on two different patients). One has pain in the lower back and leg and one has arm pain and no pain in the lower back. The reason for that is the one with the back pain also has vertebrae in the neck misaligned which are pulling on the meninges and cord all the way down to the lower back. That stretches the nerves over the disc in the lower back and causes pain there and into the leg (where the nerve goes).

The guy with the arm pain also has the disc and low back misalignments but does not have neck misalignments where the first guy does. He has neck and upper back misalignments that cause pull on the meninges and cord so that the nerves in the neck going to the arm are stretched and the cord and the meninges in the lower back do not go over the protruding disc. The second guy therefore has pain in the arm and not the lower back.

That doctors and others consider people to have a neck and back separately is a very large mistake. As you can see in the diagram of the spinal column-meningeal system it is all one thing.

If the spinal bones are misaligned there is constant stretching of the cord and meninges as a compensation for the inability of the body to hold itself upright when a vertebra goes out of its proper position. The stretching of the meninges causes even more pull on the spinal column and skull – the more you stretch a rubber band, the more it pulls toward its center, right?

When the meninges and cord are in a constant pull it causes other problems but it also helps hold and keep the body upright. for this reason people get locked into a mechanical stress pattern that their body keeps resetting and leads to chronic pains and syndromes.

This can also be demonstrated by your Advanced BioStructural Correction™ doctor. If you have been treated you have probably already noticed the improvement in your body’s ability to stay upright without you having to work at it. If not ask your ABC™ doctor to demonstrate this point.


That brings up another question:


The reason is you cannot. This answer is much too simple for most people and it confuses them because they had been taught that the body can do anything. The body cannot do anything and everything. If it could there would be no disease or doctors and people would live forever.

The next question is:

Why can the body not just pull a misaligned bone back into position?

The answer is that you do not have muscles that can pull in every direction. Some bones go out of position in directions that you have no muscle with which you can pull them back into alignment.

When that happens you must twist and bend your body so there is no pressure pushing that bone further out of alignment in that direction.

Many doctors will tell you there are ligaments and muscles that prevent the bones from misaligning in way that bodies cannot self-correct but this is obviously not true — because it does happen. Which directions do spinal bones move that you cannot correct? Forward.

By the way, this is another one of these points are obvious things that no one seems to have outlined as SENIOR DATA but it is very SENIOR DATA.

Though many think the body is a totally self-correcting thing it is not.

The human body can “adapt” to almost anything. However, look at what adapting is. Adapting is making up for, or compensating for, something still present. In this case the something still present are misaligned bones.

Why? Because the bone is out of position in a direction that your body cannot self-correct by pulling on the bone. Remember, muscles can only pull. They cannot push. If there is no muscle pulling in the direction you need to pull to reposition the bone you cannot do it.

It is too simple for many people to believe but it is true and it is THE piece of data that is the key to correcting bodies. All the other bones twisting out of position in directions the body has muscles that can pull to realign are left where they are because the body needs them there to compensate for the ones it cannot realign on its own.

It works like this:

If you have a vertebra that slips out of position to the left your body has muscles on the right side that can pull the vertebra to the right repositioning it. Likewise, if a vertebra slips to the right your body has muscles on the left that can pull it left, back into its correct position.

Pictures of back and muscles.

If a vertebra slips backward, you have muscles that attach to the vertebra and something in front of it (the front of the pelvis and the front of the rib cage) so they can pull the vertebra forward and reposition it.

Pic of muscles psoas and diaphragm with instructions on experiment with breathing in.

However, if a vertebra slips out of place in the forward direction there are no muscles attaching to the vertebra and something stable behind the vertebra.

Lateral pic of body demonstrating this

That means the body cannot pull the vertebra in the backward direction. Therefore a vertebra slipping forward is about the only direction of misalignment the body cannot self-correct and reposition without help.

As stated above, many people have difficulty with this concept because they have the idea that the body can totally self-correct or self-heal anything. That the body cannot self-correct or self-heal everything is obviously true or people would live forever.

That the body cannot self-correct everything is true to the point where you can say that the only problem(s) in body structure is/are when something goes out of position in a direction that the body has no muscles to counter [pull opposite]. Therefore the body when a bone moves out of position in a direction the body cannot self-correct it has to move something else out of position to compensate for it. But, the compensation can now become a bone the body cannot or will not realign (even though it has muscles to so) because it needs the compensation.

If that compensation misalignment causes the body enough problems, the body might need to compensate for the compensation. That misaligns yet another bone for which the body might need a compensation and so on and on until you get where your body cannot function. (Most times a body hits a point of stability where it cannot function normally but it can at least stay stable and do enough functioning to get by. That is your person who is obviously not “right” but never seems to get much worse until something happens that is big enough to really throw him off and then he goes downhill fast.)



Though the meninges normally stretch and pull when you bend forward or sideways, when a bone or bones are out of their proper position there is an increase in the pull of the meninges that is abnormal. The direction of the increased pull is also abnormal. (Since the bones are misaligned, the orientation of the meninges will be misaligned which changes the direction of the pull). This abnormal direction and amount of pull causes even more misalignments of the bones to compensate for the out of position bones; for the change in direction of the pull of the meninges and for change in the amount of pull of the meninges which puts abnormal pressures on different areas. As the bones misalign and take everything else with them, the muscles are also pulled on differently and the effect the muscles have on pulling and moving the bones is different.

If you had normally used a certain muscle to move in a certain way and now have to do it differently or cannot do that motion at all, that is why.

Though they are keeping the body upright by compensating the abnormal weight bearing caused by the original misalignments; the misalignments created to compensate the original bone out of position also cause many difficulties for your body.

One thing to note about the compensations is that they disappear if you can release the meninges and correct the position of the originally misaligned bones. Because the compensations are no longer needed the body self-corrects them and will then stay correctly aligned.

That is one of the reasons Advanced BioStructural Correction™ is an advance. We have determined how to effectively release the meninges and how to find the misalignments that the body needs corrected and how to correct only them versus moving the misalignment that are occurring as compensations.

This is no small thing. If you change the alignment of bones that are out of position to compensate for something else, you are taking away the compensations. That makes the body less able to handle itself (because of the original misalignments and less ability to compensate). The body gets worse mechanically and the effects can further reduce the body’s ability to compensate in other ways. (This is when the person starts going downhill fast.)

The change in pattern you force by removing compensations might have a person feeling better at the point they were having difficulty or feeling pain, but will also cause them to compensate elsewhere and create other problems you might not normally associate with misaligned structure — digestive problems, breathing problems and more.

That brings us to the next very important point:

Why do you feel pain where you feel pain?

You feel pain or discomfort at certain places because there is an abnormally large amount of pressure there. That is it. Unless you are plugged into a socket (electricity) the thing that hurts in your body is that there is too much pressure on that thing.

It does not matter if the pressure is caused by misaligned bones, swelling or anything else that might increase pressure enough to get your attention. You can check this by pushing around a boil or pimple. It hurts a bit (or more). If you lance the boil or pimple and release the pressure, when you push on it or around it again, the pain will be less or will be gone because the pressure is reduced or gone.

Same with bones. If you twist a bone and squeeze it while it is twisted, you will find the bone is tender when you squeeze. If you remove the twist and do the same squeeze you will find it is not tender. If you happen to do this test on a bone and it is tender at the start before you twist it, you can bet that bone is being twisted abnormally right at that point by something in the body — usually a misalignment somewhere else. If you try to twist it more and the pain goes away you have actually untwisted it. If you twist it more and it hurts more, you have added twist in the direction it was already being twisted.

pic of body injured and then compensating showing the point of pain months or years later at the compensation


From the information above you can determine that the truth of the matter is that the places you hurt are never where the misalignment you need corrected is.
The pain or discomfort is at the place to which the body has shifted the pressure by compensating.

How do we get to that determination?

If your body cannot handle mechanical stress or pressure on a bone because it is out of position in a way the body cannot self-correct, it will compensate and shift the pressure off that bone onto some other part of the body. That “other part of the body” could be close to the site or it can be far away from the site of the misalignment the body cannot self-correct, but the body will certainly shift the mechanical stress to some other body part so it is off the part that cannot handle it. (Otherwise you will immediately have a break or worse — which sometimes does happen.)

Therefore, when you are in pain and there has not been a direct impact on your body, the place that hurts is not the place of the misalignment causing the body so much difficulty. There might be a misalignment at the point of pain also, but it is compensatory for something else that set the body off to begin with. This is why so many treatments such as surgery and manipulation of the area of pain fail when they fail. (Remember that when they do not fail they are usually just shifting the mechanical pressure elsewhere for the body to deal with later.)


Thinking it through and experimenting with it, you will find that when a vertebra moves out of position in a direction the body cannot self-correct (because there are no muscles that pull in the direction opposite the direction it moves) you will also find the body cannot handle the mechanical stress put on that point in the direction the bone is misaligned.

Since the body cannot handle the mechanical stress put on the point the it cannot self-correct, the body has to shift itself around so the mechanical stress will be on a part that can handle the stress or it will become very unstable.

You can see this instability when someone looses their balance doing something usually easy to do. Then, after getting the misalignments their body cannot self-correct realigned, they can again do the activity without any difficulty. As a matter of fact, they can usually then do the activity with such ease that you wonder if they really had a difficulty in the first place.

This point of being able to do something with so little difficulty or no difficulty after the vertebrae are realigned is something you can test with your doctor.

Show him this section and ask him to demonstrate. Unless you are having big problems you must be prepared to notice small changes in your body.

The reason is that when your doctor really corrects what is wrong with your body (any type of doctor, chiropractor, naturopath, osteopath, and occasionally even a medical doc or physical therapist) it is not that you will feel good, it is that your body will work so well there will be nothing to notice at all.

For many, the fact that when things are well with your body, it works so well you do not notice it at all, is a new realization.

Most people have been going to doctors so they will feel good. This leads to things like becoming addicted to drugs in an attempt to artificially create good feelings.

Reading this here is often the first time many people understand that a doctor should be getting their body well so it works fine and that when their body is working well they will have little attention on the body (like a well running car – you don’t think how it is running).

Reading this is also the first time many people realize what a trap it is to think that feeling good is what you should want from a doctor (any kind of doctor). When you think that way you get caught in the trap of drugs and searching for something that is not there.

The key is to realize that your body working well is not the source of feeling good (read on for how to feel good). When people realize that doctors are supposed to fix their body so they can get on with life without having to worry about their body much, they start using doctors to get their body fixed up rather than to feel good.

If you have pain and the doctor cannot really fix your body so you do not have pain you can then realize you should see someone else about getting your body fixed. That is when people start seeing someone who does Advanced BioStructural Correction™

What you should want from a doctor of any kind or anyone who works on your body, is for him/her to fix your body so you can get on with life without having to notice your body. This is even true in psychotherapies. People make the mistake of thinking feeling good is an optimum state a doctor can give you. It is not true.

You are the thing or spirit or soul or whatever you believe, that is running your body. The body itself is a physical thing – a physical machine of sorts. Getting your body fixed is sort of like getting your car fixed. When your car is working correctly what do you notice about your car when your are driving it?

Go ahead and think it through. If your car is working well, what do you notice about your car when you drive it? Most people think it through and realize they do not notice it at all when driving — if the car is working well. If they notice something it is the radio, the temperature, the traffic and other things associated with comfort, but the car itself they rarely notice unless something is wrong. When something is not working right, that is when they notice it. People who need something fixed on their car usually notice the noise or feeling that goes along with that. Same with your body.

When your body is working correctly, it is not that you feel good, it is that you are out doing things in life and have no attention on your body at all. You just go and live life. When something is not working correctly you notice it.

If you want to feel good you need to do something to create the feeling: See a show, watch a comedian, go sailing, take a hot bath, or, if you really understand how life works, just decide to feel good and then feel good about anything and everything around you — whatever you enjoy. What you should require your doctor (any type of doctor) to do is to fix your body up to the point where you don’t notice the darned thing.

That is another advance of Advanced BioStructural Correction™. It is not so much that your ABC™ doctor wants your body to feel good to you; it is that he wants to fix your body so well that you can get on with enjoying your life and will not have to notice the body.

That brings us to another important point in getting your body well WHERE Advanced BioStructural Correction™ IS TRULY ADVANCED.

Since the goal of doctors should be to get your body healthy (health meaning your body is working so well you do not have to notice it), knowing what stops doctors from doing that is an important datum.

If we know what stops docs from accomplishing that goal, we can change it and get doctors to be consistently and predictably effective at fixing bodies.

The main things stopping doctors from getting you completely healthy are old injuries and their compensations.

Remember the point about bones being able to misalign in directions the body cannot self-correct (because there are no muscles that pull in the direction needed to reposition them)? And, remember that other bones must then misalign to compensate for the loss of ability at the points of misalignment that the body cannot self-correct? From those two important points you can figure out two other important points:

1. When you are injured (or anyone is) you must have had something happen that pushed a bone out of place in a direction your body could not self-correct.
2. The main problem with injuries that never heal is that somewhere, something(s) must be still be misaligned in a direction the body is unable to correct.

These two points may look simple and obvious but that is because you understand the rest of what you have been taught. Those two points of information are the key to fixing bodies with long standing injuries or even acute injuries. When other docs realize this is true it will revolutionize healing.

Additionally, remember that the misalignments the body cannot correct are not where the body feels the pain. The body compensates to take the pressure off those areas by putting the pressure elsewhere. The elsewhere is where the force accumulates and impacts the body causing pain. More important, since the mechanical stresses of the body are being put on the point of compensation — that compensation is the area the will be damaged!

The compensations are either putting abnormal pressure on the point that hurts which damages it. Because the compensations keep putting pressure on that point the damage done by the pressure will almost never heal but just get worse and worse as time goes on until it breaks. That is how you get degenerative discs and arthritis.

Picture to illustrate this point of compensation shifting pressure to some other area.

If things about the body are starting to make more sense then they ever have, it is because Dr. Jutkowitz researched body mechanics down to the basic data about how things work in the body.

If you have the basic data about how something works you can then easily determine what is occurring at any time.

(Which also means that if you do not have the basic data you cannot. If you look at what doctors call diseases you will find they are not knowledge about how it works but just descriptions of what it is. Not only that, when doctors don’t really know they hide it in a different language. I will always remember the woman who was sent into my office by a friend of hers and said, in a haunting serious voice, “My doctor said I have cephalgia.” I said that yes, she had told me about her headaches. She very seriously said, “NO, no. My doctor said I have CEPHALGIA!” I got out the medical dictionary and showed her that ceph- means head and -algia. Not knowing what to do, and not being able to help the woman’s headaches, he gave it a name that, to her, made it seem worse. She couldn’t believe it. I started realigning her body and the headaches stopped after the second visit.)

That they can say a name describing the symptoms sounds important but it is not important and even fools people into thinking they know what is going on. They do not. That is why so many docs say they cannot tell you what is happening but will work their hardest to fix it.

If you can find and fix the misalignments that the body cannot fix by itself, the compensations will not have anything to compensate for and will disappear. The pressure on the areas that have not healed or that have degenerated under the constant abnormal pressure created by the compensations will also disappear. When the pressure comes off the first result is the pain lessens and becomes soreness. This often happens almost immediately. When the pressure has been off for long enough for the swelling to go down the pain then stops and healing can begin in earnest. As the misalignments it cannot self-correct are realigned and the body fixes the compensations you see the body literally unwind or untwist backward though its old injuries. Eventually the body will be straight and untwisted.

If that seems too simple to describe what is happening with many people, it is not. The process can seem to be complicated because there is more than one bone or set of bones misaligned. Undoing each twist or set of twists takes time and creates its own set of feelings (symptoms). There is an old thing in natural healing called “Retracing”. Retracing means that the body retraces or goes backwards through its old injuries on the way to getting well again.

Retracing is does happen but not quite in the way people think. If you get injured 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 you do not go backwards through the injuries 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

What happens if your doctor really improves your body mechanics – which is no small consideration because some methods of structural treatment just shift things around and do not really improve the body’s ability to function. Other methods can actually make you worse mechanically but you feel better because the method shifts the pressure off the area damaged on to something else — which will eventually become damaged and make you even worse.

What happens if your doctor really improves your body’s mechanical ability to function and hold itself upright as Advanced BioStructural Correction™ does, is that your body unwinds/untwists/retraces backward through correcting the injury causing the most mechanical stress in your body at the time of the correction.

The first thing the body corrects is not the last injury you had but the one causing the most mechanical stress on your body at the time you first start getting realigned. It does not matter whether the injury causing the most mechanical stress is the first injury your body had, the last injury or one of the many in between. Thing causing the most mechanical stress on the body at the time it is first improved is the thing that the body starts to unwind/untwist or retrace backward through first.

The way unwinding an old injury (retracing) works to correct an old injury is that the body literally unwinds or untwists backward through the injury. This means the body must physically untwist through its compensations and literally get the injured area of the body to the position it was in when injured. Once the body has untwisted itself so the part injured is in the position it was in when it was injured, the doctor can then correct its alignment.

This means that trying to force the body into the correct position does not work. It must unwind or untwist its injuries. Trying to force the body into a position at best just covers up old twists. Most of the time it just creates new compensations on top of the old ones.

Most important is that trying to force the body into position by adjusting it into place usually does not consider all the things the body must unwind to correct what seems to be one little thing. As a result, forcing something into place leaves sets of misalignments and their compensations even more twisted.

scoliosis01These are x-rays of a person with a scoliosis. It looks like they have as straight spine, then it looks like a curve to the left but they actually have several curves inside this one curve. they show up later as the body unwinds though its old injuries. Trying to force a spine straight will never work to get it better though it can force it to appear straight.

The spine looks pretty straight in that first picture but the patient had many complaints of pain and difficulty in movements. The second picture seems more curved on the front view but it you look at the x in the third vertebra up (arrows marked 1), you can see the spine is much less forward of the gravity line than it was.

That means the body has come backward. If you consider this spine in three dimensions the second “more curved” picture does not show a more curved spine but a spine that has unwound or untwisted and is much better. This also showed up in the patient’s abilities and reduced pain (she had no pain and was able to do everything at this point) and all the tests were negative.

Interesting things are happening at other places too. At the arrows marked 2 you can see that there is a curve to the right (yes, right) at the very bottom vertebra. That is better seen some months later in this film.

X-RaysSome months later, here the person is much more unwound. You can see the bottom curve has untwisted so much that the bottom two vertebrae just about line-up in a curve to the right.

scoliosis02Looking at the initial front view film (above left at arrow 2) you would view the bottom vertebra is tilted left. It is TILTED left in that film, but it is twisted and tilted right, locked into that position with the vertebra above it, and the whole thing tilted left. Assuming that the vertebra is tilted left and you need to push it right might initially unlock the person and have them feeling somewhat better at that point or it might make things worse as she twisted even more. This patient had been seeking relief from doctors for some time until she finally found a doc using Advanced BioStructural Correction™.

There is quite a way to go until this patient is completely unwound but these films show the layers of curves you have to go through to unwind a person’s spine.

It also shows how centered a spine can look though it is actually all twisted on the inside. AND, it shows the multiple layers of twists that are the reason you cannot force a spine straight with manipulation or even surgery and expect it to be better than when you started.

Picking up from before the x-rays: If those working on the body (docs and others) attempt to force a spine straight the body never gets to the correct position to unwind the injury the doc is trying to fix. The “fix” sometimes just changes the compensations leaving the person feeling better but causing other difficulties later. Many times the changes just cause more and more difficulties because the attempt to force the body into position without unwinding through ALL the old injuries, even very tiny ones, actually creates a new and different set of things for which the person must now compensate.

This untwisting of the body to the position of injury must occur for it to be corrected and heal. BUT, you must only correct the things the body cannot correct and let it unwind at its own speed. Trying to force the body through unwinding also does not work out well.

The reason it does not work out well is that the bones, ligaments and other tissues have changed as the body became more and more twisted. As the body untwists the bones, ligaments and other tissues must be remodeled and changed back. This seems simple but it must occur at each level and as the body changes back there are many intermediate stages for it to go through.

It is amazing that in some cases decades of twisting can be undone in just a year or so.

Another thing to note is that when unwinding through an injury the body does not necessarily untwist or retrace all the way through an injury it starts to correct.

The body might, but because injuries and compensations for other injuries are so interlocked often the body cannot completely correct any one injury without correcting, or at least partially correcting, several others. This is especially so at the start of treatment.

Therefore, when your body starts unwinding, it starts with the thing causing the most mechanical stress on the body at that moment. You will unwind through that until it is corrected enough so that something else is causing more mechanical stress on the body than that initially thing.

Let’s cover that again because it can seem confusing: Let’s say he body starts to unwind through a car accident injury that is causing it the most mechanical stress on the body at the start of treatment. The body unwinds through enough of the car accident injury so that some other injury (say from a fall and hitting the hip) is now causing the body more mechanical stress than the car accident injury. The body stops working on the car accident injury and starts working on the “fall and hit hip” injury to unwind through it. The body then unwinds through it until it is causing less mechanical stress than some other injury. At that point, the body stops working on the hip and starts working on the thing then causing the most mechanical stress on the body, and so on.

Eventually the body finishes unwinding the earlier injuries it stopped unwinding as they again become the things causing the most mechanical stress on the body.

At the beginning point the body usually can only untwist enough of any one injury to where it is causing less mechanical stress on the body than some other injury.

The body often untwists through the same injury, correcting it little by little, many times until it is gone. First you move one part a little bit then you can move some other part. Then another, and another until the whole thing is moving well. Some of the injuries untwist quickly, some take a few times though and some seem to keep untwisting little by little forever.

Another question is how does the body retrace or untwist backward through injuries if it cannot correct them on its own?

What happens in correction is that your Advanced BioStructural Correction™ practitioner realigns what he or she can that day. This allows the body to be more mechanically efficient (as it should be). Being more mechanically efficient, it can now get to the position in which it was injured and line itself up in the injury position without hurting itself more. At that point, when you come in for their next alignment, the injury – which is now available to be corrected – is corrected. This can sometimes be done in a few days and sometimes takes a week or more.

That question reminds us the definition of an injury that persists is one that pushes a bone out of position in a direction opposite which there are no muscles to pull it back into place.

What occurred in the injury is that something was pushed out of place into a position the body could not correct. Therefore the body had to twist itself to compensate and take the pressure off that area. Even though the pressure was then off the bone or bones, the area remained misaligned and not working mechanically well. Because of that, the damage done in the area often never heals or heals crooked. That is why it remains as an injury.

The area to which the mechanical stress was shifted then starts being adversely effected and damaged as well. Given a few years or longer, that eventually starts breaking down and you end up with degenerative discs or other things like arthritis.

At this point you should be able to understand how the mechanical misalignments affect the body and can slowly lead to worsening health over a long period as well as being a large factor when you are acutely injured like in a fall or car accident.

As has been explained, there are many small things to understand in the process. After reading this through once you get introduced to all of them. Reading it though a second time, having an introduction to all the small pieces of the puzzle, the understanding of how things go well or not in the body and how your Advanced BioStructural Correction™ practitioner can correct it, comes to you with a crash.

    Unwinding Story

    This is a letter from a doc about someone going through a bunch with unwinding, blowing away a big problem and coming it out fine. Pertains to scoliosis, and all other structural problems.

    – In discussion group “Dr. Brad Ennis” <ATLASDOCTOR@a…> wrote:
    > Jesse,
    My girlfriend started to go forward again yesterday and I checked her and she did fine. Well she kept unwinding every couple hours to a new spot. She would have something new hurt on her and literally  feel like she was getting sick. I ended up adjusting her 4 times in about 7 hours. I got the end product every time. Posture popping up breathing didn’t feel a thing.

    My question is, and I probably know  the answer, but could she truly unwind that fast or was I missing things and she was just compensating for my screw ups?   I doubt the last because they were some of the hardest releases I think I have ever done in my life and she was like “that felt so good”. I couldn’t believe it. So, my other question is if new positive findings come up and they aren’t swelling could you constantly just keep this going until they started to take longer to unwind. Because she hadn’t gone forward for like a month and she kept asking me when will I start going forward again. Well it came on her like a ton of shit. I never adjusted things twice except some meninges and first ribs so I doubt I missed things. Thanks.
    > Dr. BRAD

    The answers here are yes and no and yes.
    Yes, she can unwind that fast.
    And no, you were probably not missing things for each time through.
    And yes, you could constantly keep that up until they took longer to unwind. It is getting them through their forward unwinding faster. The truth is that you get them through it just a bit faster but you get them through it with much fewer symptoms.

    The two factors that seem to affect people most unwinding is not getting adjusted enough so that the body keeps unwinding rather than getting stuck at some point and developing a temporary overcompensation pattern and reworking (remodeling) the inside of the body to handle the changes. Your girlfriend seems to have the best of both worlds here.

    1. She was getting treated, unwound a bunch of stuff to a good point. On the inside her body was continuing to improve and remodeled itself.
    2. Then her body got to a point where it was good enough to handle unwinding something big and slammed forward but as well handled by the doc.

    This is a perfect instance to demonstrate to docs that going forward, even if it feels lousy, is a good thing for two reasons:
    a. It indicates the body has improved enough to be able to release the compensations for a previous injury and,
    b. When the body is far enough into the injury position, the doc comes along and adjusts it — like magic the body changes directions and the person notes that “that thing I had since I….., is gone!”

    Remember that an injury is defined as when something got stuck forward that the body could not self-correct, could not compensate for with a little compensation, and that the body could not leave unlocked and be stable — therefore the body twists itself in other places [note the plural] to compensate, keep the pressure off the area that is now forward and not damage anything else either.

    A thing to note is that the amount of pressure created when that injury occurred is too great to shift to any one area. Therefore, the body creates a whole compensation pattern to spread the mechanical stress out over a broad region or even a few regions so as not to injure any one area.

    And remember, that if one of the things the body does to compensate happens to move a vertebra or other bone in a direction the body cannot self-correct, you now have a PBP that is part of a compensation pattern. Therefore, you start adjusting and you find this one PBP (or two) that never seems to correct fully.

    These are people who suddenly hurt in the neck or ribs or arm or where have you and take quite a while to unwind through. As noted about the Network docs I posted about a while ago, some of these things are really nasty.

    Then, as the person unwinds you suddenly get this gigantic release or set of releases and the whole body changes. What happened there is that you had something that was a PBP because it was stuck in a direction the body could not self-correct BUT, it was part of a compensation pattern so many things had to correct before the body could handle the correction of that one thing, finally enough things correct and the original injury shows up to be corrected;

    OR, that was the bottom thing that the body was compensating for and it could not correct until the compensation pattern pieces were corrected in sequence. This would be because the original injury was balanced by the compensations (or pattern of compensations) and the compensations were balanced by the original injury.

    To correct the original injury without having corrected the PBPs that were created to make the compensation pattern and were counter balanced by and counterbalancing the original injury would then leave the body with PBPs that were unbalanced and result in the body being unstable and unable to function.

    This is the situation when people suddenly have all these problems that do not go away quickly. Don’t treat the often enough and you get what seems to be an irresolvable pattern but what is really just a pattern that you are not treating often enough to prevent it from resetting or partially resetting.

    Remember that sometimes bones are pushed forward to create a livable compensation pattern for the body. This means that the body can create PBPs in the compensation pattern to balance the original injury. This happens often when C7 or something in the upper half of the body goes anterior. The pelvis slides forward to get under it.

    This results in a lot of pressure in the pelvis and legs. L5 sliding forward lets the body get forward under the now forward upper body but lets the pelvis release somewhat. Overall you have a more stable mechanical condition that does not require constant muscle tension over a wide area. However, on an overall basis the body is actually worse because it cannot self-correct the compensation or the original injury and has lost the ability to move freely in several places.

    This will lead to further injury compensation patterns in the future to make up for the lost motion. Those will lead to more lost motion…. until the person cannot do much. this is the cycle of people getting an impact (even a small one sometime but in just the wrong place) that leads to less and less activity by the person until they eventually develop some “degenerative disease”.

    (To really understand this do it. Stand up — put your head forward and then slide pelvis forward to get under it. It will bother your back and legs or even higher depending upon your body’s current pattern. Leave it there a while and you will develop an anterior L5 — if you do not already have one — or a more anterior L5 if you do.)
    As stated though the “new PBPs” created in the compensation pattern are PBPs, cannot be self-corrected and create a loss of motion, they are counterbalanced by the original injury.

    When the body finally gets good enough, you have one end releasing a bit, then the other, then the other, then the other, etc. until it finally lets go enough to be corrected.
    A great example of this was a patient treated by my associate when I was practicing in California. Treated for close to a year, this woman was thin as a rail, had a chronic problem with  asthma and couldn’t gain weight no matter what she ate or did.

    One day she starts complaining about a pain in her ribs. I was out of town for two weeks so she could not get me to check it. she finally got me to look at it when I came back. It hurt bet nothing else what occurring and  Dr. Minkin was doing everything correctly so he kept treating her.  Sometime the next week she said it really got sharp and she remembered that it hurt just like when her father pulled on her arm when she was a kid of about 5.

    The next time in when she was adjusted, her pain left and all the sudden she could breathe more freely than she ever had. I didn’t see her until a few weeks later when she told me about than and that she had gain 8 pounds — and no it did not seem like she gained all fat.  Stick with the program, you never know what people have underlying their ills but you will unwind people through it with ABC™.

    Your girlfriend is lucky to have you there and willing to adjust her so often without changing sides because there are some severe or funky symptoms (pay attention here Peter, Kevin and all those others who think things should always run smoothly). This is the type of case that hangs up for a few weeks if only treated once or twice a week while at this point.

    That is why I tell people and docs they need to get treated or treat the patient a hell of a lot more often when they are going forward and have lots of symptoms.

    Good work Brad. Remember this when you have a patient that is going along fine and has some big stuck point. Even if you can’t charge them for it, get them in more often and get them through it.

    You might want to copy this and give it to them to read so they will get their bodies’ into your offices and get past these big points.
    Dr. Jesse

    PS. If following the compensation for the compensation and having PBPs in the compensation pattern is confusing to you. Go over it again and email me so we can get this understood.


    This is the answer back from Dr. Brad.

    Thanks for the info there’s quite a mouthful there and I will print it for further study.  I am going to give it to patients because they will understand parts of that which I had trouble explaining.

    Regarding my girlfriend: She is coming back already and she is amazed!  It’s funny because the last time I adjusted her that night was at about 11:30 p.m. She had unwound to a spot where her posture was a huge lateral displacement. (this means her body was leaning sideways though she had no pain or problems).  I wanted to drive into the office that late and x-ray her so I could see it, but she didn’t go for that.

    I made sure she set up her pillow as instructed.  In the morning it was straighter. I adjusted her the next day and she popped  to almost straight.  I think it finally took out her low shoulder that she had had for years. Great stuff.

    Thanks Brad. Well done to you. This is exactly the scenario one would expect with patients who have big problems. It is even the scenario one would expect with patients who do not seem to have big problems but have histories of trauma.

    Docs should notice here that I did not know her body was way to the side when I wrote the response.

    What you have here is a vertebra that was forward and to the side very badly from something. The body could not stay that way and function well so it locked it up and created a whole compensation pattern as discussed in my original response. Dr. Ennis just unwound her though it.

    Now, think about what this was. This was a scoliosis that the body was able to compensate for and keep a fairly centered balance. But, think about how much mechanical stress there was on the body at that point before the unwinding — not much. Why?

    It was spread throughout the body so as not to hurt or damage any one part. there are probably a whole bunch of new things that will show up and blow away now but if you measure this woman’s ability to breathe and move in general you will note a great improvement — except where she is unwinding at any given moment.

    This is why I do not get too excited when doctors call in a tizzy about some patient who is sideways or hurting a bunch while unwinding. Heck, Dr. Skip’s wife, outside St. Louis, spent a day or two in bed because of something similar but blew away a disability she had for decades.

    The thing to do is get the patient though it.

    Good work Dr. Brad.

    Dr. J.

Wishing you well Dr. Jesse Jutkowitz,

Developer Advanced BioStructural Correction™