There are two main parts to learning how to do the Advanced BioStructural Correction Brand New Body System™.
0. Prerequisite – Anatomy Training – see the ABC Anatomy Course in our store if not previously trained on Anatomy. This is an optional course we can include, if needed, with enrollment in your ABC™ training.
1. The first part is to enroll in the ABC™ Core Curriculum Program (CCP). This program gives you everything you need to know and gets you started performing the ABC™ protocol rapidly. This is a program that you study at home. You can do it online with the lastest videos and updates available. You will have lifetime access and easy to follow step by step instruction of the entire protocol.
The original ABC™ Core Curriculum Program version is also available for those who do not use computers or do not have access to the internet. This is composed of written manuals with diagrams, pictures and written instructions as well as DVDs and audio lectures. It comes with phone consultation time with the founder and developer of ABC™ included in the program as well as the essential tools needed to perform the manuevers.
2. After you gain the core understanding of ABC™ that allows you to start using ABC™ right away, the second step in your learning path is to follow this up with a hands-on seminar right away. There you will receive instruction, demonstration and practice on how to perform the entire Advanced BioStructural Correction™ protocol. You will see all the details of the maneuvers and receive hands on coaching and evaluation by the instructors.
Step 1
ABC™ Core Curriculum Program
Register for the online version at Cost $1995. Essentials Practitioner Tools Package can be added for $450. Written Manuals and CDs can be added for $200. A year of unlimited phone/email consultation time can be added for $1000.
Register for the original version where you learn from two written Manuals and from audio CDs and DVDs showing how to perform all the maneuvers. Includes ABC Essentials Practitioner Tools and 1 year of unlimited phone/email consultation time. Cost $2995.
If the CCP is purchased as a package with Basic Seminar ($650 for a Basic 3 day seminar), a $200 discount off the ABC Core Curriculum Program (original written version) is given which brings the cost down to $2795 for the CCP.
There are also discounts available for full-time students for both the original version of the CCP and the online CCP.
Benefit: Develope deep understanding of how ABC works to correct bodies and start using ABC™ immediately.
Step 2
Attend an ABC™ Basic Seminar
Receive the hands on practice in performing the entire ABC™ protocol. There will be ample opportunity to fine-tune your skills, get one-on-one coaching to polish your technique and get specific answers to questions and more.
Cost: $495 for 2-day Basic Seminar $650 for 3-day Basic Seminar 50% discount for full-time students
Benefits: handling any weakness in ability to apply, polishing off rough edges, resulting in practitioners who have improved their skill set and have a better ability to apply the technique to get outstanding results on their clients.
Also permits certification approval for certification level passes and advancement.